February 4
Thank you dear saints for laboring with us through your prayer. This should be the last update from our
gospel team. Just as many of the saints in Germany, we felt supplied, encouraged, and strengthened by
all of your prayers and we want to continue to labor together with you all in prayer for all the Lord has
done, is doing, and will do in Germany!
One of the sisters on our team was very much encouraged. Nearly all of the cities we were able to visit on
this trip she had visited previously and was able to see how much the Lord had done in each place since
then. As an example, four and a half years ago when she had visited Frankfurt there was not even a
church life, but now there are three families standing for the Lord and he is continuing to pour out His
blessing and add to His church.
Our last full day in Germany was the Lord’s shepherding us and pouring out as a result of the prayers of
the saints. We went to Aachen to a brother’s home to pray and then go out to distribute Bibles at the
Aachen Universität RWTH. This was our last day blending with the saints and we went out together, our
team and several of the local brothers and sisters, many of whom were students. We have been so
touched and inspired by the students who are in these different cities in Germany who, even while
studying, are so given to be with the saints and the Lord’s move. He brought many students to the table
and released many divine conversations. Initially the traffic at the table was slow but as time went on, the
crowds came and many who were standing around or walking along the busy street were either
approached by one of the saints or came to the table. The Lord encouraged us so much on our last day!
We were able to distribute over 20 Bibles and many tracts.
Afterwards we spend our last moments all together in the brother’s home eating together and overflowing
from the day. We truly redeemed the time to be with
the saints for our mutual encouragement. We
couldn’t have ended our trip in better way. Thank
You Lord for the saints!
I believe we all have been encouraged and many of
us expressed a desire that we did not want to
leave! These saints have been written on our
hearts. We sincerely hope that we can all return at
least in our prayers again and again. Praise the
Lord for His Body, praise the Lord for Germany.
Jesus is Lord in Germany!
Prayer burdens:
Please pray for more saints, more couples,
to pick up the burden to go to Germany to
each one of these cities where there are
only a few saints laboring.
Please pray for the Lord to gain the
response He needs from this trip, from
each one of us and from all those we
Please pray that He would have the way to
gain the native Germans for His testimony
in Germany!