Bible distribution in Uppsala University, Sweden

January 30
Praise the Lord for another glorious day passing out Bibles in Uppsala University. We prayed strongly
once again that the Lord will send us the right, useful and key ones on this campus. The Lord blessed us
today with 3 genuine believers. We pray that these ones will regularly meet with the saints here. Lord, do
not let these ones slip out of your hand, guard them from the evil ones!
Today we started the Nordic conference in three different homes in Uppsala, Valentuna, and Stockholm.
We covered message 1 of the Winter Training on Exodus, and it was very sobering again to here that we
need to hear that we are here for God’s building. Everything eventually is for God’s building.
Prayer burdens:
 That the 8 total contacts we made in Uppsala will be open for further fellowship with the saints. Also,
that some out of the 8 will be key students that will be useful to the Lord.
 Digestion of the first message of Winter Training. Also for the feasting, blending, and building during
the conference.

January 31
Today we had the second day of the Nordic blending conference which was glorious. From 10 am-
12pm we covered message 8 from the Exodus training, from 12- 2 pm we had lunch and rest, from 2- 4
pm we covered message 9, from 4-5pm we had a time of fellowship among the saints, from 5-6pm we
had dinner, and from 6-8pm we covered message 10. We can testify that the saints here in the Nordic
countries love to eat and drink of the Lord, and also they love to over flow to one another. It was so
sanctifying and renewing to spend the whole day enjoying the Lord with the saints.
One of the students from KTH came to one of the messages today. He was willing to commute one and a
half hours to come to the conference. He enjoyed the message and overflowed with us his enjoyment,
and shared with us how much he appreciates being in the Church