May Lord raise up lampstands in Krakow and Wroclaw, Poland

January 31
Thank you for your prayers. We can testify that it is only through the prayer of the Body that we can labor
here in Poland. Yesterday we arrived in Wroclaw and it really seems that the Lord has sent a hunger for
the word throughout Poland. Because the Bible has not yet been translated into Polish, we have been
mostly passing out the Bible in English. Even so, yesterday we passed out sixty English New Testament
Bibles during our 3 hour Bible distribution along with 40 rhema sets! We have also continued to meet very
hungry and seeking people.
One woman wanted to have two Rhema sets for herself and her son. After talking to her, we found out
that the reason she was so seeking was because her son was recently sent to prison. She was so open
to us, and after showing her the materials, she prayed to receive the Lord! We talked to another girl who
wanted a Bible, and found out that she recently came back to the Lord. She had received the Lord early
in her life, but “ran away” from the Lord to pursue the world with her friends. However when the Lord
touched her and caused her to repent and stand on her Christian faith a couple months ago, all of her
friends left her. Lonely, she was desperate to find fellow Christians to fellowship with. She gave us her
number and has already contacted us. May the Lord connect this open one to the saints in Wroclaw.
Prayer burdens:
 The Lord would strengthen the Local saints to pick up the Burden for follow up.
 We are now splitting up into two sub-teams for a couple of days. So please pray that the Lord would
pave the way in the cities we are visiting, Opole, Poznan, Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Sosnowiec, Elbag,
and Lubin, and that there would be a hunger for the word in these cities.

 Please pray that the Lord would raise up lampstands in Krakow, and Wroclaw.