Gospel move to Deva, Romania

January 29
Thank you for your prayers concerning our travels. The brothers and sisters arrived safely to Deva. After
arriving to Deva, we traveled to Hunedoara for an enjoyable time together in one of the local saints’
homes. Thank you, also, for your prayers concerning the local saints’ travels. The saints arrived safely
from Deva and various areas in Hunedoara for this time of blending.
How enjoyable is the church life! We had atleast 28 saints in one flat singing, praying, eating, and
fellowshipping together. The time in itself was warm. In such a cozy flat, each of the four rooms were
occupied with a child, young people, and saints of varying ages all eating and enjoying one another’s
portion of Christ. The fellowship with the saints left an imprint in our hearts. From our hearing some of the
saints’ testimonies we were affected with the absoluteness that these saints practiced in their living, which
was a product of many touches, conversations, and dealings with the Lord. The prayer that we had
together was sweet. The Lord gained a little more of our being tonight in our prayer corporately, and in
our brief prayers that came out from the conversations that we had with the saints. Thank you, saints, for
releasing the blending in your prayers.
Prayer burdens:
 For the time of blending that we will have with the saints in Timisoara. Starting with a time of blending
and dinner, we will be able to be with the saints in Timisoara for the next three days.
 For the traveling to Timisoara tomorrow (January 30). Tomorrow morning, the sisters will be departing
by van and the brothers will be departing by train.
 For the Bible distribution on Saturday. On January 31, we will be going out to distribute Bibles and
preach the gospel with the saints in Timisoara.