GTCA 2015: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

GTCA 2015: Rancho Cucamonga, CA. – Report #8
This morning was the third of six gospel meetings in Rancho Cucamonga. There were over 100 persons
who attended, including the saints and new ones. After the sharing and testimonies those that came were
asked to stand up with their friends and saints who contacted them. They then prayed and called on the
name of the Lord together. Those that had a desire to be baptized also stood up and were called to the
front to pray with the saints and their friends. May the Lord release these baptisms! After the meeting
there was a time of blending and fellowship with the saints and gospel contacts. A number of contacts
expressed that they enjoyed the meeting and that they would like to bring their friends or family as well.
Prayer Burdens:
1. The Lord to release the baptisms of all those contacts that have a desire to be baptized this week.
2. Gospel meetings on Tuesday, February, 3rd, 2015 – that the Lord would bring many English-
speaking ones, that they would be saved and baptized, and that they would be remaining fruits of
the gospel.
3. Twenty (20) remaining fruit in Rancho Cucamonga.
4. Five (5) English-speaking families to migrate to Rancho Cucamonga.