Summer School of Truth in Brazil 2015

Greetings from San Roque, Brazil! It is the second day of the Summer School of Truth and we have been
touched by the testimonies of many young people. Many have paid the price to attend this conference by
travelling two days by bus from different parts of South America. The future of the Lords Recovery in
South America depends very much on the young people. Through much fellowship, we realize there is a
great need for the proper foundation. Like a family with many children, many things seem to be
disorganized. However, through the proper love and care these children begin to grow and not only care
for themselves but also for others. Likewise, these young people need the proper love and care that they
may be the next generation.
In addition, this conference has many practical details, and as trainees we have been learning how to
obtain a reserve of grace for the varied services we have been participating in.
Prayer burdens:
• The young people would touch the reality of what they hear this week beginning with confession.
• Release 30 to 40 college age to attend the International College Training 2015 in order to impact
the saints here
• Serving ones to be open channels to meet the needs of the Summer School of Truth

Greetings from Brazil!

There will be about 600 YP and serving ones going to the Summer School of Truth this year which held on the 19th Jan 2015. It included YP (11-22 years old) from the whole of South America. This time of blending is very precious and life changing even in the eyes of the YP to blend with other YP of their age
from all over South America. We will be covering the book, Two Spirits.
We also had a time with the young adults (campus to young working saints) last night where 6 trainees
gave their testimony about how the Lord led them to the training. This was in view of imparting the burden
to consecrate themselves to be trained by the Lord. We were very encouraged that they ended the
meeting by singing a Portuguese hymn to us.

Prayer Burdens:
 Summer School of Truth. Pray that the YP would be cherished and nourished and that the
weather would be cooler for the YP.
 The Summer School of Truth will be a model for the whole of South America. The aim is to
eventually have Summer School of Truth in 4 places in South America.
 To bring the YP into the burden of wanting to be used by the Lord, i.e. going to the Full Time
 That the 3 brothers and 1 sister applying for the FTTA would be covered in their visa interview