Gospel trip to Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest, Romania
26 January
In the afternoon, together with 12 local saints, we partitioned ourselves into two teams: some going to the Lacul Tei (the Institute of Construction) campus in Bucharest and some going to Piaţa Romană, a location in the center of Bucharest. We distributed a total of 46 Bibles. Distributing Bibles on the streets of Romania reminded us that no matter where we are, God’s business is people and His heart is for all men to come to the full knowledge of the truth. For this, He just needs ones who are willing to cooperate with Him. It was eye opening for us to enter into the labor of these saints. We genuinely thank the Lord for all that He has done and is doing in Romania. We definitely are building up our arsenal of Romanian vocabulary and are ready for the second round tomorrow!

Doamne Isuse, Te iubim! Lord Jesus, we love You!