The Lord is rich and living in Lausanne, Switzerland

Switzerland- West Team
January 24-25
The Lord is rich and living in Lausanne, Switzerland! On Saturday, we arrived and had dinner with a local
family and a newer contact. After an evening of getting to know one another, having fellowship about the
Exodus training and the current events and situation in Europe, the new one invited us to her home the
following evening. Lord’s day morning was a sweet, extended time at the meeting hall with saints from
Lausanne, Geneva, Zurich, Lyon, and other surrounding cities.
We spent the whole afternoon with the four students from Lyon, and in the evening went with two local
saints to the new one’s house. We met her husband and two young daughters, and spent several hours
talking with them and playing with the girls. We shared about why we enjoy preaching the gospel, the
preciousness of the Bible, and sang children’s songs and hymns in French. The family was very warm
towards us and wants to join us during the week on their days off.
Prayer burdens:
 The gospel time on the University of Lausanne campus
 A Swiss student who met one of us while on exchange abroad and is spending the day with us
Tuesday — that she would have a positive contact with the local saints here
 The Bible distribution at the Lausanne train station