January 24
Praise the Lord! We arrived in Warsaw, Poland and had a wonderful time of initial blending and
fellowship with the saints in Warsaw. Today we joined the saints in having a Bible’s for Europe and
Rhema distribution, in Old Town, Warsaw. Although it was snowing and very cold outside, we were so
encouraged with the joyful labor of the saints. About 70% of the church in Warsaw (around 30 saints)
showed up to sing hymns, hand out free Bible tracts, Rhema packs, and New Testament Bibles in
English, French, and Russian. The active participation and vitality of the saints was a great
encouragement to us.
We would like to share a short testimony with you all concerning our labor of with the saints in Warsaw.
There was one brother who came with his wife to help with the distributions, on his only off-day this week.
Because of his job he can only rarely come to the meetings. In fact, his job almost frustrated him from
coming to this distribution. He came near the end of the distribution, and immediately told his wife that he
“knew who the hungry seekers were”. He promptly grabbed a track and found a sad-looking man named
Chang. Upon approaching this man, the couple soon realized he was an unbeliever with little knowledge
about the Bible. The sister then began to preach the gospel to him and he was saved! Praise the Lord! He
is currently studying his master degree in the Netherlands and he agreed to be further contacted by the
saints. We are very encouraged by this contact because the Lord is faithful to bring the hungry ones when
we are faithful to go out.
Gospel Stats from the distribution:
Many free BFE, Rhema, and gospel tracts were passed out
20 Polish Rhema sets were passed out
15 free bibles (12 English and 3 Russian) were passed out
2 people got saved!
Prayer burdens:
That the seeds sown by the saints would not be snatched away from the enemy, and would grow
and bear fruit.
The practical follow up of these contacts by the saints in Warsaw.
We are planning on having two more Bible distributions tomorrow. Please pray that the Lord
would bring the open ones, especially some local students.