Propagation in 4 cities of India

Prayer Burdens of India, Week 4

(1) Propagation in 4 cities:

Faridabad –
So far there are 17 baptisms: 12 brothers and 5 sisters.
Saints are fasting and praying for household salvation. Some baptized ones are functioning. They have memorized The Mystery of Human Life and are going out to preach the gospel. A 50 years old brother goes out and is opening himself to speak. Another sister is encouraging her husband to read the Bible with her. She is under shepherding, but she is also under persecution from her family. We need to break through in household salvation.

Jalandhar –
In the beginning of this propagation we realized we lacked prayer. Then later we had kneeling prayer and gained 20 baptisms. So far continuous shepherding has been going on. Trainees are also doing well. The Lord is faithful is covering them physically and spiritually. So far there are 60 baptisms with 23 units of families. Our focus was on shepherding and establishing group meetings. Right now there are 10 group meetings and 23 shepherding units are going on. However, most of the saved ones are not complete families as the wives may be saved but not the husbands. The first Lord’s table meeting will be established this coming Lord’s day. Saints from nearby localities will come and join. We are expecting around 130 saints all together.

Kurnool –
This week we focus on 3 burdens. The first burden is to establish the morning revival living for all the new ones. In the morning, we went to the new ones home and have morning revival with them and encourage them to continue the corporate morning revival after we leave. The second burden is to gather all the new ones into the small group meeting. A few small group meeting have been established. The third burden is to perfect the new ones to preach the gospel and be a fruit bearing branches.
There are 29 saints in Kurnool attended the first prayer meeting on the 20th of January 2015, out of which 23 were new ones, 6 were the local existing saints.

Thane –
This week there are 8 baptisms.
Last Lord’s day there were 50 saints coming together. One new contact also came to the meeting. The saints from nearby localities started coming regularly for the propagation and shepherding of the new ones. It is encouraging to see them being revived by the gospel and are burdened for the propagation. So far there are 2 complete families gained. The other 7 families are open for continual visitation. We pray that in the coming days these families and new ones can be shepherded into the church life. There are also some highly educated and promising young working saints being saved solidly. We anticipate that the lampstand in Thane will be raised up soon.

(2) National Blending Conference:
There will be a national blending conference for the churches in India in Chennai on Jan 24-25 and New Delhi on Jan 31-Feb 1. We are expecting more than 900 saints from 70 or more localities to participate in the blending. The messages will be covering on knowing the Body and the reality of the Body. We need to pray 1) for the release of the word to supply the saints in India, 2) the saints may experience the reality of being blended together and 3) the Lord’s covering and heading up of all the practical matters. We will also have saints coming from Malaysia, Sri Lanka and USA to join this blending. Praise Him! The Lord is the Victor! Blending is the way!

(3) Distritbuton of Rhema Literature:
On Jan 23, 24 & 25 there will be a Christian meeting in Raipur (the capital of Chattisgarh) in which more than 2 lakh (200,000) of people may join from in and around Raipur. Rhema has planned to use this opportunity to do mass distribution of the Hindi Mystery of Human Life tracts and bookmarks to introduce the Rhema books. Amana Literature will also be selling the books in the meeting. Please pray that the Lord would cover and use this distribution to save many and to bring them to the full knowledge of the truth and gain some building materials for His testimony in Chattisgarh.