1/12-1/18/15​ International​ Prayer Burdens

1/12-1/18/15​  International​ Prayer Burdens (Pray for one country each day)

Monday: France; Tuesday: India; Wednesday: Germany; Thursday:  Ireland ; Friday: Italy; Saturday: Netherlands  ; Sunday: Spain Please pray for the upcoming gospel trips. Also, pray for the gospel time on the college campuses in all these countries during this Spring semester.
Matthew 21:34 And when the time to harvest the fruit drew near, he sent his slaves to the vinedressers to get his fruit.                                      John 4:35 Do you not say that there are yet four months and then the harvestcomes? Behold, I tell you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are already white for harvest.
Dear saints,

Praise the Lord that you have received these burdens to pray for the Lord’s move on the whole earth. Since Feb. 2013, FTTA has been praying for the Lord’s move in one country each day. As of Oct. 1, 2013, we have completed the prayer for all the nations (approximately 200 countries, including some that may not even be recognized as countries yet) for the Lord’s move to cover the whole earth. Let us continue to pray for the Lord’s move all over the earth. These prayer burdens are according to the world situation and the needs of the Body.  The prayers for these international prayer burdens have been prayed by saints from the FTTAnaheim, FTTLondon, FTTTaipei, Taiwan, FTTHongKong, FTTMoscow, FTT Manila, Philippines, FTTIndia, FTTMexico, FTTTokyo, Japan, FTTMalaysia, FTTmiddle age, FTTPretoria, South Africa, FTT Hamilton, New Zealand,  FTTA-Boston, FTTSeoul, South Korea and the local saints from Israel, Egypt, Portugal, Italy, UK, Holland,Hong Kong, United States, Spain, Scotland, Germany, Mexico, Bolivia, India, France, Japan, Swaziland, Greece, Argentina, Pakistan, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, South Africa, Taiwan, Guatemala, Brazil, Australia, Malaysia, Denmark, Philippines, Romania, Dubai, Belize, Poland, Canada and South Korea.