2014 Winter School of Truth has taken in 3 places in Europe!

The WST United Kingdom will take: the young people from the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Nordic countries and the countries of eastern Europe except Poland. The WST Netherlands will host the young people from the French-, Dutch- and German-speaking countries, plus Italy and Poland. The young people from Spain and Portugal will attend the WST Iberian Peninsula in Spain. See more online.

We are so thankful to the Lord for a further step in the Lord’s move to gain a group of constituted young people in Europe. For the last ten years we have been carrying out the Winter School of Truth, starting in London in 2004 and continuing in the Netherlands in 2012. This year for the first time there will be a third location in Spain.

  • WST United Kingdom, Saturday, 27th December 2014 to Thursday 1st January 2015
  • WST Netherlands, Friday, 26th December 2014 to Wednesday, 31st December 2014
  • WST Iberian Peninsula, Friday, 26th December 2014 to Wednesday, 31st December 2014

Every year towards the end there is one week set apart for all the young people all around the world and especially in Europe, for the Winter School of Truth. One week to get into the Word of God, blend with the saints, study the Word and the ministry, fellowship with other young people, go out on the gospel, have some activities and games, do a project together with others, have morning revival, pray, have time with the Lord… – there’s so much to it! Below are some of the testimonies of the many young people who have attended the Winter School of Truth and have shared from their top enjoyment!