Bristol (Southwest), United Kingdom

Bristol (Southwest), United Kingdom (1/24)

Dear saints, Praise the Lord for the Lord’s testimony in Bristol. There are currently threefamilies here. The saints here are laboring at the University of Bristol. During our time here,we had an enjoyable time distributing free Bibles at the University in spite of the rain.

Prayer burden:

• Pray for our time of blending with the saints and students in Bristol/ Exeter.

• Please pray for the 96 contacts who received gospel tracts and for the 6 Biblerecipients. 1 of the recipients was very open to further contact.

• Please pray for one student who has consecrated to join the full time trainingthis February.

Gospel Trip Report and Prayer Burdens 5 – Jan 25, 2014

Before we went to the campus in Cardiff, John Cheung told the church history of Wales, especially the outdoor gospel preaching of George Whitefield and John Wesley.