Young People, Let us Come Forward to the Holy of Holies! (2014 Poland Camp)

In this Poland Camp I enjoyed so much the matter of the Holy of Holies. In the age of Moises there was a veil between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies, and not everyone could go into the Holy of Holies.

But saints, today the veil is taken away! God Himself became a man, He passed through a process, He died on the cross for us and became the life-giving Spirit!

Now Christ is available to us: we can enjoy Him and experience Him! We only need to turn to our spirit to enter the Holy of Holies and spend time with Him!

Young people… Let us come forward!

Another point that I enjoyed is that we need to be those who follow the Lamb, those who follow the church life, those who choose this way! God need this kind of young people! If we choose this way it will be hard, we will fall, we will fail… we will pass through the valley of Bacca… but it’s up to us to turn this into a spring of living water!

via 21st Century Nazarites | Young People, Let us Come Forward to the Holy of Holies! (2014 Poland Camp).