The second golden lampstand in Laos was established in Pakse on 8/24

The Lord answered the prayer of the saints for the University of Jaffna this year. At the beginning of this year, the saints could not even get out of the car as they visited the campus. They prayed in the car that the Lord would gain some age-turning young people on this campus. The Lord did marvelous things in July and August. Many students with either Catholic, Hindu, or Buddhist background one by one obeyed the word of the truth and got baptized with much joy.

The second golden lampstand in Laos was established in Pakse on 8/24. Some overseas saints also coordinated with the local saints for the propagation in Vientiane and gained some homes willing to be open for the campus work. In Qatar, the Serving Ones’ Perfecting Training and the National Blending Conference were both held in July. Children’s meetings also were something new this year, and during the conference the children presented to the saints what they had enjoyed from the children’s meetings. The saints were greatly encouraged.

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