The way of life of full-timers in Taiwan currently

At a gathering of full-timers in Taipei Monday morning and a meeting for all of

Taiwan full-timers in the mingling center, Brother Lin told us that when he went to

meet Brother Lee to fellowship about the situation of the church in Taipei in 1992

where at Anaheim, “what were these full-timers doing every day?” Brother Lee

asked. “They did some church’s affairs or fellowshipped or pursued etc.” Brother Lin

responded. “Pursue for what! Tell them that they have to arrange ten periods to

preach the gospel in the daytime every week quickly.” Brother Lee said.

After the fellowship from Brother Lin, there had some full-timers be enlighten,

encouraged and gave themselves to God. Brother Lu has been serving at hall 11 for 4

months since July, he continually walks on the God-Ordained Way according to what

Brother Lee asked, preaches the gospel ten periods every week almost. The biggest

help was that not only other full-timers arrange ten periods diligently to follow him,

but also responsible brothers were willing to go out to preach gospel to be the

leading sheep. In the end there were 70 – 100 saints preaching gospel on the streets

and alleys near hall 11 every week. And the result was that there was someone

baptized almost every week. Brother Lu bore at least four fruits himself, especially

he perfected a saint to love to preach the gospel. By being such a pattern to this

saint, even though they were often rejected while preaching the gospel together, the

saint gained the joy from the Lord directly. Hallelujah!

This kind of testimony should be the role model and inspiration for full-timers,

that make us to walk worthily of the calling with which we were called, to do the

work of the Lord with His joy and heart-throb, just like He says, “In this is My Father

glorified, that you bear much fruit and so you will become My disciples…These things

I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.”

(John15:8,11.) So, as a full-timer, do you preach the gospel ten periods of time per
