Recent update on Sri Lanka

Experiencing the Breaking of Our Natural Life and undergoing Transformation for God’s Building

Eph. 4:16 Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love.

We have enjoyed the morning revival concerning Jacob’s experience of being chosen, dealt with and broken.

Everything that happened to Jacob was for his transformation. He was under God’s transforming hand with a life of transformation for God’s building. Jacob’s history must become our biography.

We need to be enlightened by and fully saturated with the thought that in the universe God is doing only one thing-building His eternal habitation-Bethel. Today our experience of being broken is totally for the transformation of our soul by the addition of the element of the divine life of Christ into our being. We should be willing to cooperate with the transformation of the Spirit for the building.

From 12th to 15th of November, we had three and half days perfecting training in Colombo. There were 3 messages FROM THE VISION, PRACTICE AND BUILDING UP OF THE CHURCH AS THE BODY OF CHRIST and 2 messages from THE DREAM OF GOD’S ETERNAL PURPOSE. Three brothers from Taiwan helped us to enter into the burden of God’s speaking. Firstly, we had two days pre-meeting. Through praying 30 minutes before the messages, our spirit was stirred up and we were ready to be filled by the divine speaking. In the meeting, we received the same burden as revealed in the morning revival that we should see the vision in our spirit clearly and soul should be subdued completely so that Christ can be released from the imprisonment of the soul for the building of the Body of Christ with our whole being.

Through fellowship among the brothers, we have made the plan of planting Church trees in Sri Lanka from 2015 to 2020. There will be 17 local Churches in coming 6 years. May the Lord remember the target. All the serving ones were brought into this glorious hope and we had the assurance that this dream will come true in Him. Because we trust in Plan, Prayer and God’s Blessing. Praise the Lord for His move in this country!

Regarding to the campus work, we have planned that we will practice home-visiting to the students. Two brothers have visited 2 houses in two cities on 26th and 27th of November. We believe that there will be closer fellowship between us and the new ones in campus than before. May the Lord release the whole campus and capture the students for His building!

Prayer burden:

1. Pray for us so that our soul can be subdued and the self can be denied to be transformed for God’s building.

2. Pray for 3 key persons being rose up by the Lord in the campus to coordination with us for His move in this campus.

3. Pray for the registration, preparation and coordination of the national blending conference which will be held in Jaffna on 19th – 21st , December.