Burdens related to Europe (week of 30 November 2014)

Here is a list of prayer burdens related to the Lord’s move in Europe. Please share these matters with the saints in your locality.

The current prayer burdens for Europe can also be downloaded from the internet at www.lordsmove.org/information.html

Burdens related to Europe (week of 30 November 2014)
1) Iberian Peninsula Conference in Lisbon, Portugal
(5-7 December)
Some full-timers and trainees will come from London
before the conference, and a Bible distribution
will be carried out during the two days preceding the conference. Please pray:
That the new ones whom the saints have been laboring on will attend the conference and see
the heavenly vision and thus be captured by the Lord for His economy
That during the distribution the Lord will lead the
saints to those who will become remaining fruit
That the Lord will release a word that will cause H
is move in the Peninsula to advance
That the saints in the Peninsula will be blended as one
2) Shepherding of new ones who attended seminars in
Please pray for the new ones who attended the semin
ars in London during the month of November.
Please pray:
•For the continued sweet coordination among the sain
ts who are shepherding the new ones
•That many of the new ones will desire further home
visitations and meetings
•That the Lord will raise up a new district in Walth
3) Attendees at the one-week trainings in London inNovember
Please pray that the saints and the new ones who at
tended the one-week trainings in London in
November will advance in the truth, in life, in the
living of the church life, and in the gospel.
4) Redevelopment of Bower House, London
A redevelopment of Bower House is desired in order
to expand its usefulness. The final planning
permission application will be submitted soon.
Please pray that:
The Lord will give the brothers clear direction in
deciding how best to present the plans to the
local planning authority
The planning authority will look upon our applicati
on with favor and will respond positively.
5) Raising up of churches in Bulgaria and the Balka
n countries
Several groups of seeking ones who are reading the
ministry have been contacted in Croatia and
Serbia. In addition, the Lord is moving to raise up
His testimony in Bulgaria, particularly in Sofia,
the capital city. Please pray the Lord will raise up churches in Bulgaria and in Croatia, Serbia, and the
other countries in the Balkan region of Europe.
6) Contact with the students in the universities in
Please continue to pray for the contact with the students on the university campuses in Europe. Pray
that the Lord will shepherd the seeking ones into the church life.
7) Continuing distribution of ministry publications
and shepherding of seeking ones
Please pray:
For the radio broadcasts in the UK, Sweden, and Spa
in and the continuing distribution of the New
Testament Recovery Version and other free ministry
publications in all the European languages.
For the shepherding of the seeking ones and their entering into the church life.
8) The raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major
cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal;
Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; Vienna, Austria;
Sofia, Bulgaria; Thessaloniki,
Greece; Zagreb, Croatia; Belgrade, Serbia; Geneva a
nd Zurich, Switzerland; Barcelona
and Bilbao, Spain; Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich,
Germany; and Tirana, Albania.