Gaining younger generations in London from different countries to UK

Thank you for all the prayers!! The Lord is really blessing and answering all the prayers. My hand has already recovered and should be fully functioning within a month. The Lord has still been giving me job interviews every week. I did also get one job offer, but this UK Company wanted to send me to Asia after 2 months of training. I didn’t have peace to accept the job offer knowing that the Lord had opened a 2 year working visa in the UK. I am still praying that the Lord will open a job in 2015. My visa will expire in November, 2015. Please pray for the Lord’s direction and for me to be one with His will.

Pray for the Lord’s move in Europe in 2015
These prayer burdens, Brother Ron presented to us in the International Blending Conference in the Netherlands.
l Pray for 1000 European students to be gained in 2015.
l Pray for 50 couples (open homes) from the United States to migrate to Europe.
UK – Greenwich, London
About the Canary Wharf area (young business professionals fishing pond). The Lord has been doing much more in these 2 months. The Lord moved one more young working sister to this area and also opened the home of a local new one on Friday nights last month. Praise the Lord!! Thank you for all the prayers. Please continue to pray that the Lord will bring all these young working sisters (4 sisters) and one young working couple in Canary Wharf to connect in this new one’s open home in a sweet, normal way and to establish regular fellowship on Friday nights.

With regards to fresher contacts, the Lord has also answered many prayers and brought many sons of peace. Thank you for all the prayers. Give all the glory to God!! Almost every day, I have had appointments with all these new ones. The British fresher girl comes to our student meeting, home meeting and table meeting regularly. She also came for a one day university conference. Please pray for her baptism and that she would continue to enjoy the Lord.

The Slovenian girl has continued to read the Basic Elements every time we get together. She has read the Mystery of Human Life 15 times, each time finishing the Basic Elements as well. She said she has seen a vision that she has never seen before. Because of her very positive response I invited her to come to the U.S. for a blending trip after her finals. She was very excited and bought her ticket to the U.S. for a 10 day trip. Please pray for her baptism and that the blending trip will be so profitable for her to see Christ and the Church. Also, there are no saints in Slovenia yet. Please pray for the Lord to gain her as a seed for moving in Slovenia and for the Lord to gain some from Slovenia.

The Muslim girl has continued to read Bible (book of John) with us every week and is open to fellowship with us. She told to her parents about spending time with us and her parents have positive feeling with us. She felt we are her family now. That’s so sweet!! She loves to sing the hymns and just bought a guitar because she wants to learn to play the hymns. she believes in Jesus but still believes in Islam. Please pray that the Lord will continue to speak to her every week and unveil her heart to free her from religion. Also, pray that the Lord will gain her and her family for His move in the Middle East.

There is also a seeking Muslim fresher who grew up in London. She bought a Bible when she was 12 years old, but she didn’t understand after she read it. She got a lot of questions every time I meet her. She came once to a student meeting and 3 times to appointments. Praise The Lord!!She prayed to receive the Lord this week! She also asked her Father about becoming a Christian, but her father was not happy about that and wanted to cut off the relationship with her. Please pray that the Lord will cover her situation, so that she can enjoy Him and fellowship with us secretly.

The Lord is really moving in Europe and in the Middle East, in the younger generation. The Lord brought 2 Christian freshers from Turkey. One of them, her grandmother was Muslim, but became a Christian through reading the Bible. Through her, their whole family became Christian. Sadly though, these two live 2 hours away from us (by public transport). They came to the Monday night sisters meeting once and had appointments twice. They also invite me to their home. hope visit them after I come back and have a great connection with her parents and saints near their homes. Please pray for the Lord to open them to connect with saints in their area for sweet fellowship. May the Lord gain this Turkish family for His move in Turkey.

Remaining fruit from last year, the Slovakian girl, has difficult family situations and her study. Please pray that she will depend on the Lord and experience resurrection power in this difficult situation.

A remaining fruit, from Zambia but who grow up in the UK, has appointments with us every week, but she is not fully in the church life yet. Please pray that the Lord will bring her fully into the church life and continue to speak to her every week.

A fresher church kid from China, please pray that she will enjoy the church life and connect more to the saints and other sisters.

I had fellowship with saints from Cuba. The saints said there are 350 saints in Cuba with 8 local churches. (4 cities possibility to have golden lampstands) Also, since 2011 or 2012, it was scheduled for there to be a conference there every 3 years. Please pray that the Lord will open the door for the saints in Cuba to fellowship and enjoy the Lord freely. Also, pray for the 4 golden lampstands to rise up to shine in Cuba.

I met a sister who just moved to London from Denmark a year ago. There are around 10 working saints in Denmark. There used to be a few local Danish saints in the church life, but for some reason they left the church life. The saints still have connection with them. Please pray that the Lord would recover these local Danes to have fellowship with the local saints and bring them back to the church life.

I met a student from Antigua. He shared that there are around 60 saints in one local church in St. John’s, Antigua. The total of population is around 89,000 in the whole country. Please pray that the Lord will continue to spread and increase for His testimony in Antigua and strengthen the saints for the accomplishment of His will.

The Lord has been doing a lot for His move in Italy. This year, the Lord has baptized more than 10 young people (most of them are Chinese but grew up in Italy). Also, there are 3 university students and 1 high school who just got baptized last month. Praise the Lord. There are around 30 young people in the church life in Italy. All these young people can speak Italian, Chinese and English and a few of them are involved in translating the morning revival and hymns. Please pray that the Lord will gain all these young people as branches to gain their Italian classmates. Also, there is a one older local Italian who has been added to the church life. He has been to the conference in the Netherlands and a blending conference in Italy. Please pray that the Lord will continue to speak to him and gain this Italian family for the church life.

I planned to visit 2 French fresher new ones in Paris, but I missed my flight and my wallet was stolen. So, I didn’t get a chance to visit them. One of these French freshers just got baptized last month and met with saints every Monday. Please pray that the Lord will gain them fully into the church life and that the saints will continue to shepherd them and cherish them.

I met the saints from Hungary at the Netherlands conference. The Lord has been blessing Hungary and answering all the prayers. Thank you Lord Jesus. In fall, 2013, the Lord gained 3 local Hungarians who enjoy reading ministry books. By 2014, these 3 local Hungarians had multiplied to 10 Hungarians in the church life. So far, there are around 12 local Hungarians in the church life. Please pray for the first table meeting in Budapest in Hungary in 2015 and the Lord will continue to spread His ministry and increase many open vessels into the church life.

Give all the glory to God and please continue to pray for the Lord’s move in all the nations.

Much Grace,