A Pastor’s Daughter Got Baptized in a Small Group Meeting in Taipei’s Hall 14

The South Korean Pastor’s Daughter Had Never Met God , Yet She Got Baptized in a Small Group Meeting in Taipei’s Hall 14

Can you believe that a pastor’s daughter, who was about twenty years old, had never met God before, even though she had gone to church and prayed for many years , yet she got saved and baptized in a small group meeting in Taipei .

I’m afraid that we may have the same situation in the Lord’s recovery. Some saints love the Lord very much, and have had a good church life for many years, yet their sons and daughters are not saved .

In such a situation what could we do? I thought that besides prayer, there was nothing we could do. But then, I remembered that we have the blending. Through the blending many unbelievers have become believers .

On October 27, eight Korean saints from the Salvation sect visited the church in Taipei. The Salvation in Korea and overseas has two hundred thousand saints. Three of those who came from Korea were pastors. One pastor is number eighteen on a list of one thousand Salvation chaplains.

The three pastors wanted to leave their Salvation sect for the Lords recovery, so they visit Taipei for about one week. They fellowshipped with some brothers, and on October 30 they came to hall 14 to fellowship with us .

We prepared a blending schedule for them. It included a tour of the beautiful coast, a delicious dinner, and a small group meeting. After the tour of the coast and dinner, their heart opened to us, and then we went to the small group meeting.

The small group meeting began as usual; we sang a hymn and the saints shared and prophesied one by one. After the sharing and prophesying, we asked the Korean saints, especially the sisters, to share something. Then the pastor’s daughter shared

that she had never met God before, yet she met Him in the meeting. And she told us that she had been anxious about going back to Korea, because the Korean saints would push her to tell them about her experience, but she didn’t know what to say.

Then after meeting God at the meeting, she knew what to share .

After that meeting the Taiwan sisters were burdened to speak to her the truth about baptism. She got baptized and was filled with joy. Then her father said that it was the most moving moment in his life when his daughter got baptized .

I think that blending is very important for the Lord’s recovery . We can bring the saints, and even those who have not yet been saved, to join the blending . The saints will get more Christ, and the unbelievers will become believers.

brother Herald Wong in Taipei