Gospel Meeting served Totally By Senior High Schoolers

In 1948, Watchman Nee said to the trainees: “We should lead the young
believers to be zealous for the gospel and to have a proper attitude toward it. They
must be on fire for the gospel. The gospel must be a consuming obsession to them.
They must forget their positions and their faces. They should not care if others
laugh at them or oppose them. They must open their mouths to preach the gospel
and kneel and pray in any place at any time. Every time they go out of their house,
they need to pass out some gospel tracts. In their spare time they must look for
people to preach the gospel to. They must commit themselves to preaching the
gospel to a certain number of people every day. They must also commit themselves
to saving one soul within a set period of time. This seems artificial, even giving the
appearance of an activity of the flesh, but the young believers need this kind of
Who can preach the gospel extremely well? In our natural thought, preaching the
gospel is the work for full timers or the trainees who are in full time training. But it
cannot match the burden of God. To put the burden of preaching the gospel in
young believers, There were 2 gospel meetings on October 17 and 24 for senior
high school saints to help them preach the gospel to their classmates. The first
meeting is for Jung Jeng and Yang Ming senior high school, and the last one is for
the school which in the middle of Taipei. More than 160 students participated in
meetings, including 65 gospel friends. The top most thing is all those who were
toastmasters, gave testimony, and preached the gospel were all young saints.
In order to put the burden from Christ into young saints, the serving ones used a
large amount of time to fellowship with the students. One of the students shared:
“before the gospel meeting, we had fellowship with the other young saints three
times. What further touched me is the serving ones told us, the gospel meeting is a
spiritual warfare, so what we need to do is pray. Pray for our school, pray for our
classmates, pray for the gospel meeting, and pray for us that we can open ourselves
to accept the burden of gospel.”
There also were some patriarchs share some testimony about their sons or
daughters having the burden to preach the gospel to their friends or feed the new
one by this gospel meeting. One of the parents said that his daughter is a girl who
had no burden before, but after the gospel meeting for senior high school students,
she shared to her parents how glorious was the meeting, and she also wants to
shepherd the new ones who study at the same senior high school and previous
Another side, the gospel meeting strengthens the will of the young saints. One
saint shared: “when I participated in the meeting, I felt so sad that there was no
gospel friend who studies my school. So I prayed to Jesus Christ, I shall invite my
classmate to come to the gospel meeting. And the Lord gave me the name of one of
my classmates. When I called him and ask him if he can come to the gospel meeting
with me, he quickly said “Yes”!”
Praise the Lord! There are some burning young saints in the senior high school in
Taipei for the testimony of Jesus. Since they can be the testimony where they are,
should we not be the Lord’s witnesses by preaching the gospel in the place that God
has measured out to us?

In 1948, Watchman Nee said to the trainees: “We should lead the young
believers to be zealous for the gospel and to have a proper attitude toward it. They
must be on fire for the gospel. The gospel must be a consuming obsession to them.
They must forget their positions and their faces. They should not care if others
laugh at them or oppose them. They must open their mouths to preach the gospel
and kneel and pray in any place at any time. Every time they go out of their house,
they need to pass out some gospel tracts. In their spare time they must look for
people to preach the gospel to. They must commit themselves to preaching the
gospel to a certain number of people every day. They must also commit themselves
to saving one soul within a set period of time. This seems artificial, even giving the
appearance of an activity of the flesh, but the young believers need this kind of
Who can preach the gospel extremely well? In our natural thought, preaching the
gospel is the work for full timers or the trainees who are in full time training. But it
cannot match the burden of God. To put the burden of preaching the gospel in
young believers, There were 2 gospel meetings on October 17 and 24 for senior
high school saints to help them preach the gospel to their classmates. The first
meeting is for Jung Jeng and Yang Ming senior high school, and the last one is for
the school which in the middle of Taipei. More than 160 students participated in
meetings, including 65 gospel friends. The top most thing is all those who were
toastmasters, gave testimony, and preached the gospel were all young saints.
In order to put the burden from Christ into young saints, the serving ones used a
large amount of time to fellowship with the students. One of the students shared:
“before the gospel meeting, we had fellowship with the other young saints three
times. What further touched me is the serving ones told us, the gospel meeting is a
spiritual warfare, so what we need to do is pray. Pray for our school, pray for our
classmates, pray for the gospel meeting, and pray for us that we can open ourselves
to accept the burden of gospel.”
There also were some patriarchs share some testimony about their sons or
daughters having the burden to preach the gospel to their friends or feed the new
one by this gospel meeting. One of the parents said that his daughter is a girl who
had no burden before, but after the gospel meeting for senior high school students,
she shared to her parents how glorious was the meeting, and she also wants to
shepherd the new ones who study at the same senior high school and previous
Another side, the gospel meeting strengthens the will of the young saints. One
saint shared: “when I participated in the meeting, I felt so sad that there was no
gospel friend who studies my school. So I prayed to Jesus Christ, I shall invite my
classmate to come to the gospel meeting. And the Lord gave me the name of one of
my classmates. When I called him and ask him if he can come to the gospel meeting
with me, he quickly said “Yes”!”
Praise the Lord! There are some burning young saints in the senior high school in
Taipei for the testimony of Jesus. Since they can be the testimony where they are,
should we not be the Lord’s witnesses by preaching the gospel in the place that God
has measured out to us?