Bearing remaining fruits even in a military academy

From March to October, forty-six students from one military academy are

baptized. The gospel meeting which was held on October, twenty-one gospel friends

came and thirteen of them were baptized soon. Do you know how gospel can be

preached in the military academy? Concerning serving university campus by Brother

Lee fellowship, there shall be five units in cooperation with each other: university

faculty members, students, families who care for students, elders and responsible

ones and full timers. If the five units work together well, the Lord will pour out his

blessing. In Jongli City, a medium-sized city, particularly and specially owns eight

universities, including a military academy. Through carrying out the God’s ordained

way, the saints bore much fruits on university campus, especially in this military


Concerning preaching the gospel of this military academy, I conclude with three

points: inviting with burdens, rejoice in the meeting and unceasingly prayer.

Firstly, concerning the inviting, a sister with a heavy burden serves students to take

part in the gospel meeting all the time. The sister who was baptized for a short time

is the university faculty member, inviting the students in the class. Of course, initially

she was refused for many times and felt discourage. She prayed for this abortive

situation day by day. The bible says, “In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by

prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

Depending upon this verse, she walked through the valley of the shadow of death. In

the beginning, students attended to the meeting rarely and scarcely; but now as long

as she gives invitations to students, over 20 ones present each time on the average. I

believe it depends on her ongoing prayer.

Secondly, the gospel meeting came off in a joyful atmosphere. Besides the

students in the military academy, we invited some young FT trainees to cooperate

with the saints. Before the beginning of the meeting, they prayed unceasingly until

being filled with spirit and joyfulness. When the military students entered into the

house, all saints started to sing the hymns buoyantly and delightedly. They were

surprised and blended with the saints soon. They were all impressive by the


Thirdly, unceasingly prayer makes their heart good earth. The gospel book of

Matthew mentions men’s heart resembles the earth. Chapter 13 and verse 8 says,

“But others (seeds) fell on the good earth and yielded fruit, one a hundredfold, and

one sixtyfold, and one thirtyfold. “ Through unceasingly prayer, although students

attended the meeting first time, their heart had already opened to the Lord Jesus.

Furthermore, the environment in the military academy makes students pure and

simple. That is why more of them were willing to be baptized in the middle of the

gospel meeting.

The Gospel of Matthew 28:19 says, “Go therefore and disciple all the nations,

baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

The Lord commanded us to go and disciple all nations. In the beginning of making

friends, becoming brothers by having spiritual pursuing, and then becoming partners,

eventually disciples. Through this process, we disciple the young people on our local

college campus, especially the military academy students. May the Lord keep on

pouring out His blessing.