Purchasing a new Meeting Hall for the Church in Santa Monica, CA

Brief History
In fellowship with Brother Lee and the coworkers in Southern California, we began to meet as
the church in Santa Monica in 1991.We met in the American Red Cross building located in Santa Monica
for the fallowing 21 years. But we started a building fund in those days. But as the years passed, the
demographics and the property prices changed in Santa Monica, causing many saints to relocate in
different neighboring cities. At present, most saints live primarily in the city of Inglewood (very close to
LAX) where 64 saints live, and in the city of Culver City, where 28 saints live. Nine families still are living
in the city of Santa Monica.
Since last year, 2013, we have begun to meet in the city of Inglewood. Since we did not have
our meeting hall for many years the saints have been faithful in saving to acquire a building for a
meeting hall. Although we are still meeting in a rented place in Inglewood, we feel that the Lord has
opened for us an opportunity to purchase a property a half an acre property in the city of Inglewood, in
a good street, close to freeways, that could serve us well for many years.
Our Burden
Our burden is the establishment of the church in Inglewood, to bear testimony of Jesus
in this locality and to carry out the Lord’s commission of sharing the full gospel to all the
Meeting Hall and Facility
We found property for sale, after much
fellowship and prayer. This is a large property
with good parking and 3 buildings: One is two
floors office space, partially rented; the other is
an empty building that after a remodeling could
seat some 200 saints. And there is a back
building that could be renovated for children
classes and love feasts gatherings.
The purchase price is $1,200,000.00.
The local church building fund is ($ 534,593.64).
The Bank is willing to lend us 500,000.00 and
we are short $ 170,000.00.to close the deal.
We would like to open this opportunity for all the saints to participate in this blessing. Please pray
for the financing and the future use of the meeting hall for the Lord’s interest. If you are burdened to
participate, donations can be sent to:
Mailing address for correspondence or
Church in Santa Monica
2461 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite C-328
Santa Monica, CA, 90404
For those who wish to transfer funds
electronically, please transfer to:
US Bank
(Bank branch address: 3605 south La Brea Ave,
LA, CA, 90016)
Account Name: Church in Santa Monica
Acct Number: 164301046805
Routing Number: 12235821
The brothers in Santa Monica,