First Lord’s Table Meeting in Fort Meyers, Florida

First Lord’s Table Meeting in Fort Meyers, Florida- Oct 5, 2014

Here’s a blog post from a sister who went to the First Lord’s Table Meeting in Fort Meyers. “Praise the Lord for His spread and move in Florida! This past weekend I went to a mini conference in Ft. Myers and experienced the first table meeting there. It was incredibly sweet. We left Saturday morning, blended with some saints for lunch and then arrived at the hotel around 5. At 7pm we went to the meeting place where over 200 saints joined us. Brother Ron skyped us from the training center and gave a short 30 minute word on the aspect of the church.”…/theres-a…/

Thank You Lord for you lampstand in Ft. Myers! Oh make us those who are headed up in You and so conscious of the Body! Continue to move and spread in us day by day.