The Most Encouraging Thing | migrated to Central Europe after many months of prayer

Three of us have migrated to Central Europe after many months of prayer.

I truly believe that it is a great time for young saints to migrate. I know the hurdles these two other saints went through to get here. I know some of their sacrifices yet they had the vision of the Lord’s Move in Europe and they did not let go. This is such an encouragement to me and you can encourage them by following their progress on their blogs: Snapchats Not Oil Paintings (don’t judge the name) and Somewhere in Germany.

So often, the smallest things encourage the saints. I say this because in three weeks time we will have the International Conference in Switzerland. I am so encouraged by saints who have told me that they are coming. In Europe, where the churches are small, having saints visit is one of the best ways to recharge our spiritual batteries.

via The Most Encouraging Thing | The Double Barrel.