Update from the enjoyment in the Training (FTTA)

I have really been learning to treasure my morning times so far. And this week, I believe I’ve seen a little more regarding how important enjoying the Lord is for preaching the gospel. This past Wednesday, I had a very sweet time with the the Lord in the morning, just opening up all the things that were on my heart, even embarrassingly small things like the situations or brothers that had bothered me that week, or not being able to finish all the reading each week. And even in such seemly small transactions, the Lord came into those parts of my heart, filling it with sweetness. And prior to going onto campus, some team members and I had been enjoying John 1:1-13 in preparation for our first Bible study this term.

A few hours later, on campus, all our appointments had cancelled on us that day and my GP and I were just sitting in the 97 degree heat eating lunch, waiting for our last appointment. Sitting across from us, was a student that kept looking at us. We then went over to talk with him, to get to know him a bit. Soon, we began preaching the gospel to him from the very verses we had enjoyed in John 1 (I’ll admit, John 1 is also a really great chapter for preaching the gospel! Hallelujah we are children of God, John 1:12!). Soon after, he agreed to call on the Lord with us and receive the Lord! I really believe that he saw the Christ we were enjoying, and that Christ was the attracting factor.

A few minutes later, my GP and I went to another part of campus, and a student, looking for a table for lunch in between classes, sat down next to us. We started talking with him and spoke our enjoyment in John 1. He got saved!

Praise the Lord, that it is by our enjoyment of Christ that we can spontaneously bear fruit! It isn’t a matter of eloquence, or a superior method, but just a matter of enjoyment!

Your brother,