Pray for Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

Prayer Request for the Lord’s move to Jersey, Channel Islands

Saints, I live on a small island called Jersey, in the Eglish Channel, United Kingdom. I have been living here for over 30 years with my husband, daughter and son. I am the only saint in the Lord’s recovery here. The reason I make this prayer request is to draw the attention of the working saints, especially those in the finance sector to come here to work. Jersey is a beautiful holiday destination and an offshore finance centre. There are already many young people from China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand as well as other parts of the world working in the finance sector in Jersey. I just pray that the Lord will have saints migrate here to work in order that He might have a way for His recovery on this island.

Some saints and I have been praying for many years for Jersey to have a lampstand. I feel that it is time that I make this island known to the working saints in Taiwan and elsewhere.

I am copying and pasting two websites of Jersey for your parousal:

Thank you for your prayer.
May the Lord’s will be done on this earth. May His Body be built up for His kingdom to come.