
Prayer Burdens (2014.09.14- 2014.09.20)


1. Pray for the Serving One’s training on 9/18 in Dhaka and 9/21 in Dinagpur
2. Pray for the propagation in the northern part of the country from 9/22 to 9/30.


1. Pray for the shepherding of the 34 homes in the church in Vientiane that they would be solidified and kept in the church life and that more homes would be gained.
2. Pray for the two brothers who have applied to attend the full-time training in Bangkok that they would be fully possessed and gained by the Lord.


1. Pray for the full-timers to obtain the necessary documents for applying long-term visas asap.
2. Pray for all the practical needs to be met for the church in Addis Ababa’s purchase of a meeting hall for meetings and trainings close to the railway.



1. 为能得着关键的家代祷

2. 为能有路在首都卢萨卡的小区内传福音及接触人代祷