The direction of Lord`s move in Cambodia

The direction of Lord`s move in Cambodia

Act 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall

be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the

The August of 2014 was an unusual month to Cambodia. During the three days meeting from

the direction of Lord’s move in Cambodia. So in the following three weeks, they had a lot of

prayer, discussion, and the general direction of work in Cambodia fermented in their mind, and

they made a preliminary plan for the coming years.

According to the today’s situation, the co-workers are willing to follow the living guiding

from the Lord, so they decide to walk the “line of Jerusalem” in the near future. Phnom Penh will

be the center of the work, and we will put most energy in Phnom Penh, strengthening church in

Phnom Penh, and then spread outward. It is expected that all the churches in Cambodia send the

seeking young people to Phnom Penh to receive long-term perfect training, and they will be useful

vessels, who will be sent to all the provinces in Cambodia as blessings.

First, increase the number of the saints in church in Phnom Penh up to 500 in ten districts in

Second, in 2014 November, there will be long-term perfect training in Phnom Penh.

Please pray for the two items. Brothers will have more preparation and more fellowship in details, pray for them to have smooth fellowship. We are deeply convinced Lord will do

something new in this country, and His move will be unhindered in Cambodia.

, the Spirit was working within the brothers, and they gradually cleared