Welcome-Back & Campus Dinners, 8/24/14 pm About 23 were in the fellowship time after the dinner. This fellowship was lead by Victor with the support of two students’ testimonies about Christians On Campus. Br. George gave his testimony before adjournment. Several sisters supported the dinner. This fellowship was held at Mike and Betty’s house. The campus team needs the saints’ support in gaining the incoming freshmen. We have about the equal number of interns to the full timers for the first week of the fall semester gospel. The interns are faithful UTSA students burdened to consecrate the first week of the fall to be with the full timers in contacting students and passing out gospel tracts. Welcome Dinners at UTSA were held Tuesday and Thursday 8/26 and 28, with over 20 new students attending, praise the Lord!
新竹市召會二大組2016幼幼排感恩回顧 So […]
Summer Young Pe […]
Source: https://www.fa […]