Blending of saints in Anaheim, Yorba Linda with 30 new ones – Aug 31

The gathering has two burdens: one burden is for blending with the
saints from Yorba Linda and the saints from different districts in the
church in Anaheim. The other burden is to bring in new ones to see the
church life through an outdoors informal gathering like this. We had
first 30 minutes of sining together and 5 minutes  gospel preaching
during the singing time, all the saints and new ones called on the
Lord’s name there. After that we subdivided the saints into small
groups to read or fellowship on the message in the booklet, the basic
elements of Christian Life according to their need organically for 30
minutes before we began to eat the barbecue. All the saints enjoyed
such a wonderful time.

blending LD 8/31/2014 from MSW on Vimeo.