Testimonies : Christians on Campus

From this past year of learning the gospel Luke with Christians on Campus, I have grown so much spiritually and have come to have a better understanding of God and what his plan is for me. It’s so great to have such an organization at the university because it helps students to keep God a part of their lives while they’re busy with classes. It’s so easy to get caught up in school work that we might lose track of what is really important: Jesus Christ! It’s not enough to just attend church every week. God needs to be the cornerstone of our lives, and this organization helps to explain the word of God and to set our spirits on fire with the Holy Spirit. I would greatly recommend this organization to anyone who is seeking to have God be the most important part of their life, and to anyone who wants to become closer to him and understand the Bible at an entirely new level.

M. S. – Junior

via Testimonies : Christians on Campus.