北京市地方召会致中国反邪教协会的公开信(Transalted in English)

从2003年开始,国内外一些基督教权威机构、神学家与牧师,陆续公开发表对倪柝声、李常受著作及地方召会的调研成果,他们不顾偏见,勇敢而正直地见证地方召会其实乃是一个正统的基督信仰团体。福音派公认权威的富勒神学院,以反“邪教”著称的基督教研究院CRI, 香港中国神学院, 金陵协和神学院副院长王艾明牧师, 以及国内外一批优秀学者, 一致确认地方召会不是异端邪教,乃是一个真实、正统的新约基督教会,地方召会及其成员的教训与实行,在每一基本面,均体现出纯正、合乎历史并合乎《圣经》的基督教信仰。

via 北京市地方召会致中国反邪教协会的公开信_属灵人–在基督里的圣徒.

An Open Letter to the China Anti-Cult Association from the Local
Church in Beijing
The Honorable China Anti-Cult Association:
The local church in Beijing expresses its strongest denunciation
against the beating-to-death incident perpetrated by members of the
“Almighty God” cult in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province on May 28.
We absolutely support the government’s punishment of the criminals of
the “Almighty God (Eastern Lightning)” cult. To the consternation of
many, the Association even published on June 3 a preposterous
allegation against the “local church”, identifying it as the cult known as
“Shouters”, listing the local church among 14 cult organizations, and
categorizing it with the criminal “Eastern Lightning” cult. With regard
to this, the entire congregation of believers in the local church in
Beijing takes a determined stand against such action, which we can
neither admit nor accept! Due to the broad influence of the media, the
false information in the Association’s publication has already resulted
in extremely negative public opinion, and has tremendously affected
the normal meetings, lives, and occupations of the believers in the local
church in Beijing. Even more regrettable is this: On June 25, the Inner
Mongolia Anti-Cult Association, borrowing the words of journalist
Yanghe, issued another article in the “Northern News”, cruelly
imputing the local church for a cult book, “Word Manifested in the
Flesh”, which belongs to the “Almighty God” cult. The article also
mentioned that whoever uses the “Recovery Version Bible”, “Holy
Word for Morning Revival”, “Life-Study”, and other books, and
whoever call themselves a local church, must be the “Shouters” cult
organization. May we ask, on what theological or legal basis can you
simply and blatantly decide on this? If Christians possess the Recovery
Version of the Bible, the Holy Word for Morning Revival, Life-Study,
and other spiritual books openly published overseas, and identify
themselves as the local church, how could that make them a cult? The
false allegations of the honorable Association and its branch system
have become illegal accusations; the brash manner in which the
Association has been treating patriotic citizens has artificially created a
tense situation; this is extremely irresponsible. We believe that the
honorable Association should have noticed that in recent years, the
local churches in China have been strongly voicing our declarations and
earnest petitions, yet these correspondences have been completely
ignored. This is very unfortunate! Once again we implore you not to
disregard our plea. We beg you in front of the expanded patriotic
citizenry that you take the lead to practice upholding of the truth and
respect for the law, which is what the Communist Party of China has
consistently demanded as its party principles, by never becoming anti-
religion for the sake of being anti-cult, and instead, creating a positive
and harmonious atmosphere of dialogue with all the nationwide local
churches. Spreading throughout six continents of the world, widely
recognized in many countries, and accepted as a composition of
believers in the orthodox Christian faith, we must honestly and publicly
explain to the Association regarding the basic life and faith of the
believers within the local church in Beijing. We also extend an
invitation to the leaders of the Association to come to the local church
in Beijing to conduct an onsite investigation, to grant the local church
an objective, impartial, fact-based recognition, to correct previous
erroneous definition of the local churches, and to revoke all wrongful
statements about the local churches. We believe: that if the Association
is able to retract the erroneous definitions, the Association will also be
able to maintain its professional reputation as a national anti-cult
association, and realize the China dream in the new government, to
unify the strength of the masses and contribute much positive power.
The Association may already have noticed: Since 2003, a number of
local and foreign Christian authorities, theologians and pastors, have
from time to time openly published the results of their researches on
the works of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, and about the local
churches. Without prejudices, but with courage and integrity, they bore
witness to the fact that the local church is indeed a body of believers
who keep the orthodox Christian faith. Recognized Evangelical
authority Fuller Theological Seminary, the renowned anti-cult expert
Christian Research Institute (CRI), Hong Kong China Theological
Seminary, vice-president of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary’s
pastor Wang Yiming, and a number of outstanding scholars here
and abroad have unanimously confirmed that the local church is not
a heresy or cult, but rather a genuine and orthodox New Testament
Christian church, and that the local church and the teachings and
practices of its members, in every fundamental aspect, reflect the pure,
historical, and biblical Christian faith.
Xi Jinping, secretary-general, at the closing session of the National
People’s Congress regarding the China Dream, declared: It is imperative
to expand the positive effects of religious personages and religious
congregations in advancing the economic and social development,
maximizing the uniting of all the forces that can be united.” Despite this,
the Association’s present judgment on the local churches has confused
the facts, severely damaging the religious freedom and human dignity
of a majority of local church members, and seriously disrupting the
believers’ normal living and work. Up to this moment, the Association
has not expressed any word of regret or response. We earnestly hope
that the Association will take the broader view of this situation, with
utmost courage and wisdom, to reexamine the local churches, correct
the errors as early as possible, to set the record straight, to unite all the
forces that can be united, and to return a clean record and a normal living
environment to the believers in the local churches, in order to attract more
of them to participate in the building of a harmonious society and the
China Dream.

An Open Letter to the China Anti-Cult Association from the Local
Church in Beijing
The Honorable China Anti-Cult Association:
The local church in Beijing expresses its strongest denunciation
against the beating-to-death incident perpetrated by members of the
“Almighty God” cult in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province on May 28.
We absolutely support the government’s punishment of the criminals of
the “Almighty God (Eastern Lightning)” cult. To the consternation of
many, the Association even published on June 3 a preposterous
allegation against the “local church”, identifying it as the cult known as
“Shouters”, listing the local church among 14 cult organizations, and
categorizing it with the criminal “Eastern Lightning” cult. With regard
to this, the entire congregation of believers in the local church in
Beijing takes a determined stand against such action, which we can
neither admit nor accept! Due to the broad influence of the media, the
false information in the Association’s publication has already resulted
in extremely negative public opinion, and has tremendously affected
the normal meetings, lives, and occupations of the believers in the local
church in Beijing. Even more regrettable is this: On June 25, the Inner
Mongolia Anti-Cult Association, borrowing the words of journalist
Yanghe, issued another article in the “Northern News”, cruelly
imputing the local church for a cult book, “Word Manifested in the
Flesh”, which belongs to the “Almighty God” cult. The article also
mentioned that whoever uses the “Recovery Version Bible”, “Holy
Word for Morning Revival”, “Life-Study”, and other books, and
whoever call themselves a local church, must be the “Shouters” cult
organization. May we ask, on what theological or legal basis can you
simply and blatantly decide on this? If Christians possess the Recovery
Version of the Bible, the Holy Word for Morning Revival, Life-Study,
and other spiritual books openly published overseas, and identify
themselves as the local church, how could that make them a cult? The
false allegations of the honorable Association and its branch system
have become illegal accusations; the brash manner in which the
Association has been treating patriotic citizens has artificially created a
tense situation; this is extremely irresponsible. We believe that the
honorable Association should have noticed that in recent years, the
local churches in China have been strongly voicing our declarations and
earnest petitions, yet these correspondences have been completely
ignored. This is very unfortunate! Once again we implore you not to
disregard our plea. We beg you in front of the expanded patriotic
citizenry that you take the lead to practice upholding of the truth and
respect for the law, which is what the Communist Party of China has
consistently demanded as its party principles, by never becoming anti-religion for the sake of being anti-cult, and instead, creating a positive
and harmonious atmosphere of dialogue with all the nationwide local
churches. Spreading throughout six continents of the world, widely
recognized in many countries, and accepted as a composition of
believers in the orthodox Christian faith, we must honestly and publicly
explain to the Association regarding the basic life and faith of the
believers within the local church in Beijing. We also extend an
invitation to the leaders of the Association to come to the local church
in Beijing to conduct an onsite investigation, to grant the local church
an objective, impartial, fact-based recognition, to correct previous
erroneous definition of the local churches, and to revoke all wrongful
statements about the local churches. We believe: that if the Association
is able to retract the erroneous definitions, the Association will also be
able to maintain its professional reputation as a national anti-cult
association, and realize the China dream in the new government, to
unify the strength of the masses and contribute much positive power.
The Association may already have noticed: Since 2003, a number of
local and foreign Christian authorities, theologians and pastors, have
from time to time openly published the results of their researches on
the works of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, and about the local
churches. Without prejudices, but with courage and integrity, they bore
witness to the fact that the local church is indeed a body of believers
who keep the orthodox Christian faith. Recognized Evangelical
authority Fuller Theological Seminary, the renowned anti-cult expert
Christian Research Institute (CRI), Hong Kong China Theological
Seminary, vice-president of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary’s
pastor Wang Yiming, and a number of outstanding scholars here
and abroad have unanimously confirmed that the local church is not
a heresy or cult, but rather a genuine and orthodox New Testament
Christian church, and that the local church and the teachings and
practices of its members, in every fundamental aspect, reflect the pure,
historical, and biblical Christian faith.
Xi Jinping, secretary-general, at the closing session of the National
People’s Congress regarding the China Dream, declared: It is imperative
to expand the positive effects of religious personages and religious
congregations in advancing the economic and social development,
maximizing the uniting of all the forces that can be united.” Despite this,
the Association’s present judgment on the local churches has confused
the facts, severely damaging the religious freedom and human dignity
of a majority of local church members, and seriously disrupting the
believers’ normal living and work. Up to this moment, the Association
has not expressed any word of regret or response. We earnestly hope
that the Association will take the broader view of this situation, with
utmost courage and wisdom, to reexamine the local churches, correct
the errors as early as possible, to set the record straight, to unite all the
forces that can be united, and to return a clean record and a normal living
environment to the believers in the local churches, in order to attract more
of them to participate in the building of a harmonious society and the
China Dream.