Gospel moves and blending conferences in Sri Lanka

There were a series of gospel moves and blending conferences in Sri Lanka from March to June. The one accord of the saints brought in the Lord’s blessing. People of Christian, Buddhist, Catholic, and Hindu backgrounds got saved and baptized. The saints desire earnestly to present all these ones full-grown to Christ through their continual shepherding.

The city of Pakse is the economic, educational, traffic and tourist hub in southern Laos and has been the center of the saints’ propagation for the past few months. The Lord added clusters of fruit to His church. The church in Pakse will begin breaking bread officially on 8/24. Please pray for this meeting!

To read and download the August issue of the LMA newsletter, please go tohttp://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/E-2014-08.pdf



閱讀及下載八月份『主在亞洲的行動』月刊,請至 http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Asia-2014-08.pdf