Pray for Lord’s move among Russian speakers in US and Canada

Various Means to Reach the
Russian-speaking Population
• radio (eg., www/
• newspapers / magazines
• BfA distribution, tabling
• Russian fairs (eg., www/
• Russian markets, restaurants
• Internet
• personal contact (friends, relatives)
What about Texas & South-central US?
Steps to take:
• First of all, pray!
• Fellowship & coordinate among yourselves and with
others in the work (it’s a Body matter)
• Do some research to find:
• Russian-speaking saints “lost in the woodwork”
• Seeking believers hungry for life & truth
• Unbelievers dissatisfied with the world
• Then pray, pray, pray!
May the Lord so gain all of us, to gain His chosen ones
among the Russian-speaking population for His
increase and spread in this country!