Bibles for America launched its blog just over one year ago. In that time, BfA has published over 70 blog posts on items of the truth and the Christian life. Over 8,000 people have subscribed to receive each new blog post in their e-mail inbox.

Many BfA blog subscribers are Christians with questions that no one has been able to answer for them. These brothers and sisters have begun to ask their questions in the comments section of the BfA blog, where staff members labor to provide nourishing, life-giving responses in the light of God’s economy. Additionally, readers increasingly respond with appreciative and encouraging comments on the posts.


“What becomes of our spirit from the time our body dies and the day of judgment? Please someone clear this up for me!”—Bob through Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ

“What importance is there for studying the first five books of the Bible?”—Lyle through Online Bible Studies from BfA

“What about someone who turns away from God? Do they still have salvation?”—Anonymous on One Wonderful Fact

“What did the Bible mean when Jesus said that many are called but few are chosen?”—Bernadet on Can I Lose My Salvation?


“This message ministered to my heart. And the more we desire Him in our lives, He will reveal Himself to us.”—Lydia on How Can God Use Me?

“Wow! I am in such awe of God’s Word, I am just so amazed! I am learning so much all the time and I am overwhelmed! My understanding is also improving as I pray for God to help me to understand and also to apply and to share it. Wow! Thank you so much.”—Charmaine on Three Greek Words for Life in the New Testament and How They Apply to Us

“Thank you for these articles. They edified me and I have begun using them in my church as study material.”—Pastor Jim on One Wonderful Fact (Spanish)

“I want to personally thank you for taking the time to write and plan these awesome blog posts. Every day I look forward to the next one, and they have helped fortify my walk with Christ and allowed me to learn things I once doubted were true, such as having my salvation eternally secure. Once again, thanks.”—Anonymous on How Can We Be Strengthened in Our Faith?

“I always wondered about the purpose for being made of three parts. These articles are very good and clear.”—Lawrence on What Is the Difference between the Soul and the Spirit? (Spanish)

Please pray that the blog readers would receive nourishment and encouragement from the blog posts and would share the blog with their family and friends. Pray also for the saints responding to readers’ questions and comments would be one with the Lord in their care for these seeking ones.

To read and subscribe to the BfA blog, visit