In 2009 the Christian Research Institute (CRI), headed by Hank Hanegraaff, concluded their own six-year
study with an issue of the Christian Research Journal (CRJ) dedicated to the local churches declaring,
“We Were Wrong!” In that issue, CRJ Editor-in-Chief Elliot Miller also documented the persecution of the
saints in China by the Chinese government:
When the Communists came into power, severe persecution was unleashed on the LC [“Local
Church”] and Nee was imprisoned in 1952, where he died twenty years later. Nee sent Lee to
Taiwan to help ensure that the movement, and the New Testament truths they had “recovered,”
would survive.
…For Christians in America, being labeled a cult member may only result in humiliation; for
Christians in Asia, it can result in persecution to an extent we never have to worry about here.
With this letter, we would like to provide the saints with accurate information and helpful resources to
dispel any misunderstanding affecting new ones or gospel friends who have received false reports.
we hope the resources found at the links below will prove useful:
• Congressional Record—“In Recognition of Watchman Nee” English
• Congressional Record—“In Recognition of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee” English
• Statement from Fuller Theological Seminary English
• Christian Research Institute—“Concerning the Local Churches” English
• Testimonies from Respected Christian Scholars and Ministry Leaders English
• Voices from Christian Leaders inside China Chinese
Please continue to pray for the DCP work to clear up any false association of the Lord’s recovery with evil
cults, and please continue to pray that the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee would be freely
available to all of God’s people.
DCP Serving Ones