Updated Report on the Meeting Hall in Kiev, Ukraine 烏克蘭,基輔會所

UPDATE (March 2015)—The construction of the Kiev meeting hall is progressing very well. We are planning to have our first meeting in the hall around the first week of June. We have finished the installation of the air conditioning and ventilation, and we are currently finishing the dry wall, floors, doors, and ceilings. We estimate that we still need about 300,000 US dollars to finish out the hall, cafeteria, and apartments and purchase the appliances and chairs.

Video updates in the English, Chinese, and Russian languages can be found at the following links:

As the Lord’s move continues to grow and develop in Ukraine, the co-workers in the work from Russia, the United States, and Taiwan have realized the need for a facility to serve as a small conference center for the work and a meeting hall for the church in Kiev. Presently, about 170 saints are meeting in the church in Kiev. At the spring ITERO in 2010 the burden for the conference center in Kiev was opened to all the leading brothers and co-workers laboring in the Russian-speaking world. Since that time the saints in the Russian-speaking world and the saints from the churches around the world have offered about $687,979 for this project. The saints continue to give according to their ability. We estimate the total cost of this project to be $1.8 million. Totally, we have spent to date $568,222, which includes the purchase of the land, project design, permits for utilities, and construction. This summer the construction is progressing quickly. Our goal is to finish the core and shell and connect the electricity by the end of this year. We will then be able to apply for the commissioning of the building with the ownership documents, which is the most crucial milestone in the project. After we receive our ownership documents and connect to the city’s gas line and sewer line, we are not in any danger of losing our permits and can finish the building without any time constraints as the adequate funds are made available. We estimate that to finish the building to this crucial milestone will require an additional $347,000 before the end of September.

May His word continue to run and grow and multiply in Ukraine and in the all the Russian-speaking world. We ask the saints to continue to pray for the completion of the meeting hall in Kiev, for the release of the finances particularly among the churches and saints in the Russian-speaking world, and for the Lord’s covering and blessing on every aspect of the construction of this facility for the furtherance of His interests in Ukraine. If you would like to participate financially, offerings can be made through LME (see http://www.lordsmove.org) or through the church in your locality and designated for the “Kiev Hall”. May the Lord continue to bless the project and His move in the Russian-speaking world.

The Lord’s grace be with all of you,

The co-workers in Ukraine

Updated Report on the Construction of the Meeting Hall in Kiev, Ukraine—July 2013