Some Testimonies of Salvation in India

Testimony One [Chennai ]

One brother who is a high school teacher used to be a devotee of the Hindu religion from childhood.  He knew mantras, yoga, horoscope, sacred sage’s writings, vastu, astrology, etc.  He went to the Hindu temples regularly seeking after God.  One day one of his colleagues gave him a copy of the New Testament.  As he was trying to know God, he started reading the Bible. When he read through the four gospels, he was fully convicted within, that the one whom he was seeking from his childhood is Jesus. He was related to a brother in the church life. He opened this matter to our brother. He was brought to one of the meeting halls and was baptized. Later, his wife observed the change in his behavior.  He testified that his belief into Jesus brought the inward change. Then his wife also believed and got baptized.  The whole family cast away all the idols in their worship room and cleansed the whole house.  Now they are enjoying the church life.

Testimony Two [Chennai]

One day a sister took her two children to go to a meeting by a vehicle. This sister enjoys the Lord and is burdened to testify the Lord in her living. She spoke to the driver, and when they reached the venue she invited him to join the meeting. He told her that he was busy, but she encouraged him to try for 10 minutes. Then he came in to join us. Within a very short time he was subdued by the Lord, and he did not want to leave. He even stayed behind to join the love feast. A few saints coordinated to preach the gospel to him. He received the Lord and declared that he was willing to be baptized to end his old life. Then suddenly he asked for a knife. Everyone was a bit scared. It turned out that he wanted to cut the red ropes in his arms and legs. The salvation was so dynamic that he realized by himself the need to be separated from such things related to the idols. Later, he shared with us that he has gone through tough things in his life, and now he came to know that only Jesus could save him and he wanted to give his life to Jesus. This brother is having a normal church life now.

Testimony Three [Munnar]

A Christian seeker came to join the propagation training in Pondicherry. The Lord convicted him about the truth and he was burdened to preach the truth in his town, Munnar. One day the Lord led him to preach the gospel to a drunkard. This drunkard was not accepted by the local community as he created a lot of troubles. Through hearing the gospel the drunkard was saved and confessed in tears that now Christ was dwelling in him. The salvation brought changes to this brother and the changes were so apparent that people in the town were surprised. This became a living testimony of the Lord in the town.

Testimony Four (Assam)

One Hindu man married a Christian sister in the denomination. He hated Christianity because his wife did not have a good testimony. He was also very devoted in practicing meditation, yoga and other Hindu practices. But within him he realized that there was something higher and deeper. One day some brothers went to this city for literature distribution. We set up a book stall in a Christian congregation. This man came to drop off his wife and saw us selling the books. He was attracted by the titles of the ministry. He took several books including “The Experience of Life”. When he came to the lesson on the clearance of the past, the Lord touched him. He realized that unless he cleared away the bondages, sins, evil things in him he could not go on. Moreover he realized that only Jesus the unique God who died on the cross could clear his past.  One morning he knocked on a brother’s house.  He came without informing his wife and said that he wanted to be baptized.  After baptism he informed his wife and she was so surprised.  Until today his wife thanks the Lord for the ministry which brought her husband to salvation.

Testimony Five (Thirumarugal)

Thirumarugal, is a village in South India where demon possession is very common.  One day a driver was stuck in one place in the middle of the road. In that spot a few people have died and the villagers believed that that spot has a lot of demons. Then the demons possessed that driver and he started to behave very badly.  Nobody could control him.  He started to say the names of the people who died. He crawled on the road.  Then a Christian pastor came to try to cast out the demon. But that pastor was beaten by the demon-possessed man and ran away.  That time one brother in the church life passed by the scene. He did not know what to do and called his elder brother. But his elder brother was 22 km away from the spot.  His elder brother told him to keep the mobile phone on the ears of the demon-possessed man.  The elder brother started to call upon the Lord’s name through the phone.  After a short while, the demons left that person. Praise the Lord for His powerful name who could cast out demons in such a way!