Rejoice in the Lord!
Thank the Lord for His all-sufficient supply in this month. This week we enjoy week 5 of 2013
Winter Training, the way to enjoy Christ in His heavenly ministry as the kingly High Priest
is revealed in Psalm 110:3—“Your people will offer themselves willingly in the day of Your
warfare, in the splendor of their consecration. Your young men will be to You like the dew from
the womb of the dawn.’’
Last month brothers and sisters came here really strengthen His testimony in Chittagong. After
they back, we continue shepherd the saints and spread His Kingdom.
Every morning we have the corporate morning revival in brother house, now we are enjoying
week 5 of 2013Winter Training-Enjoy Christ in His Heavenly ministry by fighting for the brother.
Also this week we will finish Life Lesson 22-Preaching the Gospel.
We also through the love-feast shepherding the saints and preaching the gospel. Two month
before we contacted two girl students from Bhutan. They came to our house several times, they
are Buddhist but open to us and gospel. This week they bring one christian classmate from India
came to our house.
Today Christ, our High Priest, is interceding for us in a hidden way. One Buddhist family we
continue pray for them two month, last week they are saved, baptized into the name of the Triune
God. We did nothing, but God change their heart and prepare the right situation for their salvation.
Two brothers testimony touched us very much:
1, One brother testified that through living in brother house, his daily life changed a lot. Before he
sleep long time, can not raise up early in the morning. He saw other brothers got up early, so he
try his best got up early pray to God and enjoy morning revival.
2, After one brother enjoyed morning revival concerning Darby lived to be eighty- one years of
age and because of his love for Christ, he never married. One day, in his old age, he was staying
alone in a hotel and he said,“Lord Jesus, I still love You.”He touched it very much and shared that
we need to consecrate ourselves to the Lord as the lovers of Christ.
In Christ