Full-Time Training in Anaheim—Extension Boston (FTTA-XB) Update

Full-Time Training in Anaheim—Extension Boston (FTTA-XB) Update Letter

As we continue the sixth term of training, we would like to provide an update on the Full-Time

Training in Anaheim—Extension Boston (FTTA-XB). There was much anticipation as we began this term in the new training center at 1299 Massachusetts Avenue. On Monday evening, January 20, the term commenced with a meeting attended by many of the local saints in which twelve incoming trainees introduced themselves and gave their testimonies. All of the attendees were touched by the “splendor of their consecration” (Psa. 100:3). May the Lord bless the Training as He continues to raise up the next generation for His interests.

For most of the last term, the Training was located outside of Boston, in Newton, MA. The church in Newton granted the Training use of the meeting hall and of an adjacent property known as “Dudley House.” Many saints recalled Brother Lee’s speaking in 1978 concerning the construction of a
training facility on the same street, Dudley Road, to train young people for the Lord’s move. The Lord is faithful to work out His speaking! The facilities in Newton were more than adequate for the needs of the Training, and the blending with the saints was glorious.

On December 2 the City of Boston issued the Use and Occupancy Permit, allowing the Training to move into the property at 1299 Massachusetts Avenue. This facility is truly an issue of the labor and sacrifice of the Body. Currently, the sisters live on the third floor of the new building, and the
brothers reside in adjacent apartments. The new facility is ideally suited for the Training, and the trainees are full of joy to be in their lovely new surroundings. This building represents a new beginning for the Training and for the churches in the Boston area. May the Lord use it fully to advance His interest.

This term there are 23 trainees. All the trainees are continuing to work closely with the full-time team laboring at Harvard, MIT, UMass Boston, Boston University, Wellesley, and other area colleges, including Boston College and Brandeis. For the first time last term, we also had a team of
two brothers visiting Northeastern University. Each campus has seen an increase in the number of open and available students. The saints are burdened that Harvard’s original motto, Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae (“Truth for Christ and the Church”) will be a reality—not just at Harvard, but at every campus in the Boston area.

After studying Romans last term in their daily truth pursuit, this term the trainees are studying the book of Galatians. Each week includes an in-depth study of a crucial point in the Epistles as presented by Brother Lee in the book, The Elders’ Training, Book 6. The trainees review the verses,

footnotes, Life-study messages, and related ministry books. At the end of the week they respond to a series of questions concerning that crucial point. Through their study, the truth is constituted into them and can then, through appointments and Bible studies, be transmitted into the students on all the college campuses.

Please consider the following opportunities to contribute to the FTTA Extension in Boston and thegraduates migrating to Europe:
To support the trainees to participate in the Boston Extension:
Make donations payable to: “Living Stream Ministry”
Include a note that says “FTTA Trainees to Boston”
Mail the donation to: Living Stream Ministry, 2431
W. La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801
To support graduates of the Boston Extension to serve in Europe:
Make donations payable to: “Church in Anaheim/LME”
Include a note that says “Boston Trainees to Europe
”Mail the donation to: Lord’s Move to Europe,
P.O. Box 9107, Anaheim, CA 92812
See www.lordsmove.org/offerings.html
for other ways to give to Lord’s Move to Europe