
目前在歐洲每年有兩次重要的青少年聚集;ㄧ次是波蘭的青少年特會,另一次則是在英國倫敦的Winter School。在這兩次重要的聚集中,這些大孩子們藉著與歐洲各地的青少年相調在一起,他們屬靈的度量就被擴大,並且學習過身體的生活。但是因著語言、距離和其他因素的限制,許多講德語的青少年們無法有份於這樣的聚集。因此,聖徒們有負擔將這些講德語的青少年更多相調在一起,所以在兩年前起始這樣一個在每年春季和秋季的聚集。

ㄧ開始,我們的負擔是要使這些青少年能同那清心呼求主名 的人同聚一起。藉著已過幾次的聚集,這些青少年越來越喜歡這樣的聚集,並且更習慣享受基督。所以我們這次聚集的負擔,不僅把他們帶在一起,更盼望將他們連於召會生活。這次交通的信息內容是關於基督與召會,盼望能幫助他們看見我們個人對基督的享受乃是為著建造基督的身體。

不同於已過的聚集,這次有幾位青少年一同配搭分享信息; 為此他們需要更多的享受這些信息,使他們能夠在聚會中供應其他的聖徒。這對他們來說並不容易,然而他們的初次豋場卻很激勵我們。藉著他們的交通,許多的青少年對於約翰福音12章裡,關於召會生活的小影有很深刻的印象;在召會生活中我們都需要成為馬大-拉撒路-馬利亞,來事奉、見證並愛我們的主。此外我們也一同出外傳福音,這對這些”薄臉皮”的青少年來說是不可能的任務;有些青少年給出他們一生中的第一張福音單張! 在我們出外之前有些人相當興奮也有些人相當緊張,然而到最後每ㄧ個人都很驚訝:他們都能傳福音! 這並不是說我們很剛強所以能出外傳福音,乃是因著我們出去,所以就剛強了。事實上這次特會負擔是要幫助他們留在召會生活中。因為對一些青少年而言,實行召會生活並不是一件容易的事,因為僅有少數聖徒,甚至沒有聖徒在他們居住的城市。但是藉著電話網路skyp或Facebook他們有一些已經開始和同伴固定的讀聖經和禱告。除此之外,在半年以前我們開始和一些青少年有固定的電話聚會(conferencing calls)。要開始這樣的聚集並不難,然而要堅定持續有這樣的聚集並不容易。然而牧養這些大孩子是非常有價值的! 許多在幾年前還是青少年的聖徒,現在都成了青年人,並且拿起負擔陪伴那些比他們年幼的聖徒,正如我們當年陪伴他們一樣。他們真是我們的喜樂和驕傲!

近來我們為一些即將進入大學的青少年們有許多的禱告。願 主帶領他們到一些有召會生活的城市。也願主保守這些青年人們,為著興起召會的第二代,接續主在德國與瑞士的見證!

German speaking young people conference

Dear saints,

In Europe there are a couple of regular events for teenagers: one is the Poland Young People Camp and the other is the Winter School in London. Through blending with other European young ones, these big kids really get enlarged in their capacity and also experience the Body living. However, due to language, long distance, cost and some other issues, not all German-speaking young ones are able to participate in these gatherings. Besides, we also hope our kids can have more contacts with their fellow German young people, so since two years ago, we have started to have this conference in both spring and fall.

In the beginning, our goal was to bring them together to be with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Through the past several gatherings, our young ones became fond of this gathering and also acquainted with enjoying Christ. So now our goal is not just to bring them to their peers but to bridge them to the church life. This time our main tune was about Christ and the church. We should learn that, our personal enjoyment of Christ is for the building up of His Body.

Unlike our previous practice, this time some young ones also practiced giving some parts of a message. For doing that, they needed to enjoy the message in advance that they would be able to supply others in the meeting. It was not easy for most of them; however, their debut was very encouraging. Many young people were impressed by what they shared from John 12, about a miniature of the church life that we need to be Martha-Lazarus-Mary to serve, testify and love our Lord in the church life.

Besides, this time we also went out to preach Gospel—it was like mission impossible for many “thin-faced” young ones. Many teenagers gave out the first Gospel tract in their whole life. Before we went out, some of them were quite excited yet some were quite nervous; however, at the end, everybody was very amazed that we all can preach Gospel! It is not we are strong(,) so we can go out but it is because we go out to preach, then we become strong.