Lafayette, IN—Gospel Trip, Days 11-12

On Tuesday (2/4) visiting saints from Chile joined us to preach the gospel at Purdue. A total of 519 tracts and 56 Bible/books were distributed. We’ve been having appointments with new or existing gospel contacts, praying for remaining fruit. A student who is a computer science major at Purdue, was connected through his cousin in the FTTA. He prayed and received the Lord with us and he later told his cousin that he wants to bring all of his friends.

The BfA seminar that was originally scheduled for yesterday (Wednesday, 2/5) was canceled due to heavy snow. The school was also closed and the city announced no cars on the road unless for work commuting and emergency. But praise Jesus, our occupation is to spread the good news! We went to a neighborhood in Lafayette and distributed 86 gospel tracts/door hangers. Five household received the Bible and books. Many were impressed to see us at their snow covered doorstep.

During late afternoon until evening, we visited our students and contacts with small care packages in their dorms and libraries. All of them were very cherished. The students who meet regularly are so dear. Despite the small church life and their busy schedules, these ones have been faithful to meet each week, even taking the lead in the Bible study. May the Lord grant them normal growth in life each day, vitalize them, and give each a companion for His testimony at Purdue and the church in Lafayette.

We praise Him for all the seeds sown during the past 14 days. Before the end of this sowing trip the Lord must call out some of the current contacts for the church in Lafayette, His preciousness. May the Lord visit each family, each student, each gospel friend and plant them into His church.

Prayer burdens:

  • BfA seminar tonight (Thursday 2/6) at West Lafayette public library. Lord bring some genuine seeking ones!
  • Saturday love feast—We are looking for a place to hold 20 people for eating, singing, and fellowship. This would be the last time to connect our gospel contacts with the local saints and there might be baptisms. Lord, grant us a place to meet this Saturday! Prepare the hearts of all who are coming!
  • For the baptism of four students. Oh Lord, open their environments, work out the willing and the working to transfer them to Your kingdom!
  • That the Bible, books and gospel tracts handed out to students and in the community would be read and that the seed of the gospel would be watered!

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