Edinburg, TX—Gospel Trip, Days 6-10

These past few days in the Valley have been really precious, and we have gained even more experiences of the Lord! On Saturday our team went to Brownsville to blend with the saints there and some got to go to UTB and see the campus. The sweet blending and fellowship with the saints was mutually encouraging. In order for a campus club to be established at UTB, there is the need right now for a staff member on the campus to sponsor them. Pray that the Lord would supply everything (and everyone) they need to be an official club!

Yesterday, we had another Bible study on campus at UTPA where we had 16+ people sign in. It was encouraging to see some repeat students who came from the week before, and even to hear their enjoyment of Christ throughout these two weeks .

A highlight from this past weekend was when we were in Brownsville and a few of us got to visit a family. Though the original goal of the time was to visit a daughter of the family, who is a student at UTB, we ended up meeting the whole family! The time was very sweet and very normal, and also mutually encouraging. We stayed a long time and they were so happy we came over. Praise the Lord for this family!

Prayer burdens:

  • Continue to pray for the campus clubs at UTPA and UTB
  • That the Lord would continue to supply and encourage the saints here in the Valley

– See more at: http://wemigrate.org/update/edinburg-tx%e2%80%94gospel-trip-days-6-10/#sthash.5VztdPu3.dpuf