Merced/Novato, CA—Gospel Trip, Days 12-13 | WeMigrate

So far we estimate we’ve given out about 200 Bibles here in the North Bay, and the Lord has continued to bless our sowing with many open contacts! The seminars at Sonoma State University and College of Marin were very enjoyable, though there were not a great number of students who came out. Many of the ones who did were touched by the speaking and were open for further contact. At College of Marin, the group fellowship portion went way over the scheduled time, and most of the attendees stayed with the saints for longer fellowship and lunch. There is a real desire in the students there for a campus club and Bible study, as there is no other Christian club on campus at the time. Lord, establish something at College of Marin for your interest!

We have also had much success at Walmart, with around 20 out of 55 recipients open for further contact. The door-knocking teams have met many sons of peace this week as well. There were two homes from today in particular who were very seeking and open where one woman expressed a desire for “organic fellowship” and is very excited for the home meetings. We believe the Lord has prepared many more for us to meet, especially this coming Saturday.

Prayer burdens:

via Merced/Novato, CA—Gospel Trip, Days 12-13 | WeMigrate.