UC Berkeley 弟兄操練團體生活之短片 已发表 2014-02-05 Post by Jony Ong. Praise The Lord for His testimony on campus. Thank you for being such a good pattern, may The Lord raise up more young people like you to strength His testimony on earth.
已发表 2017-10-10 Young People’s Gospel Harvest Meeting | The Church in New York City 青年福音收割聚会 | 纽约市召会 Church in New York Cit […]
已发表 2017-04-05 大专福音节期圣徒传福音见证 | 台南市召会 Testimonies concerning Preaching the Gospel during College Students’ Gospel Festival | The Church in Tainan City 從前我向人傳講福音時,總是有過多自己的發表, […]