Cambridge (East Anglia), United Kingdom

Prayer burden:
• Please pray that the Lord would really gain more useful vessels at the University of Cambridge.
• Pray also for our time of distribution and calling contacts for the coming days.

Cambridge (East Anglia), United Kingdom (1/25)

Dear Saints, for this past Friday we spend our last full day in Cambridge. There we had atypical British breakfast with the serving ones there, a good time of blending and fellowship.Later that day we visited the colleges of the University of Cambridge and found out about therich Christian history of Cambridge. Even with this we are here is standing with the church inCambridge. Without the church here, although Cambridge is so famous, there is no realmeaning for its existence. In the evening we had a Bible study in the University ofCambridge and this was a very enjoyable time of fellowship and sharing. On Saturday, thetrainee brothers had another time with the brothers in the brothers’ house for lunch andfellowship. Then the rest of the day we were traveling to Chelmsford. After arriving toChelmsford we had a time of coordination with the saints there for the upcoming events forthe next couple of days.Our highlight was the time with the brothers which was at the brother’s house right before weleft Cambridge. You can really feel the supply from being with the brothers. Anotherhighlight was the time of coordination on Saturday night. This was a great start to our timehere in Chelmsford.

Gospel Trip Report and Prayer Burdens 5 – Jan 25, 2014