South America Summer School of Truth in Sao Roque, SP, Brazil

The School of Truth in San Roque (Brazil) in January 2014. General Topic: The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. Escola da verdade São Roque Janeiro 2014 Tema : O Deus Triúno e a Pessoa e obra de Cristo.
Pray for the Summer School of Truth in Sao Roque, SP, Brazil–From January 21 to January 26 the Summer School of Truth will be carried out in Sao Roque, SP, Brazil. The general subject will be The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. Thus far, close to 700 saints are registered, including young people and serving ones from all over Brazil, North America, South America and Europe. The School of Truth will be carried out with two age groups, eleven to fourteen years old and fifteen to twenty-two years old. Following are some specific prayer requests for this time:
Please pray for:
•The safety of all the saints and the covering of the Lord during the entire time.
•The personal preparation of the serving ones to present the truth in an experiential way, converting every point of doctrine into experience.
•That this School of Truth would remove veils, equip and furnish the young people with the reality of the Triune God and His Economy.
•The young people to receive the truth in a way that they can apply it, to their daily life.
•That the atmosphere in the small groups be full of love, encouraging, positive and age-appropriate
•That the whole School of truth would be permeated with an atmosphere of prayer.
•The practical arrangements and logistics: transportation, hospitality arrangements before, during and after the Truth School; meals, recreation and practical services.