Gospel move in Netherlands/Belgium (荷兰/比利时)

Netherlands/Belgium (Team 1) (1/23)
Greetings saints. team 1 passed out Bibles in the modern city of Rotterdam.
There were many open and thirsty for the Word of God. One man saw our “Free Study
Bible” sign and swerved against traffic to roll down his window and fellowship with us.
Eventually, he parked and got out of his car to continue the fellowship, awestruck that we
were actually freely giving out this Bible full of the riches of Life. Our time in Rotterdam
ended with a group of Muslims approaching our table to share their opinions and thoughts of
the Bible. We need to pray that these ones would taste reality and be freed from the dead
letters of their doctrinal studies.
Team 1 passed out Bibles at the Technical University at Delft. We struck a
conversation with a native Dutch student who was very open and genuinely sought the
meaning of his human life, not having any religious background whatsoever. There was also
an educated, international student capable in speaking languages from the Middle east. If the
Lord can gain these ones, He can definitely reach many countries in the world. Our
impression of most of the students in Delft is that they are genuine and interested in what the
Bible has to offer them. That same evening, we attended the college meeting in Delft,
enjoyed the Lord, and shared encouraging experiences of going out to distribute Bibles.
Team 2 distributed Bibles at a train station and had a small group meeting with the
saints from Utretcht and some saints from Spakenburg. The trainees from Anaheim and
London shared their experiences from last term.
Prayer burdens:
• The Lord to attract Dutch student (N), cause him to call upon His name to be
saved, and for the Lord to reveal Himself to (N) as he reads the Word.
• For many of the open, soft, genuine contacts to respond to our follow-up calls
and for the Lord to release appointments with them to meet with the saints in
