Graduation meeting of FTT in Caacupé, Paraguay

Posted by: RBSA Area of the World: South America

The graduation meeting of the FTT was held on December 15th, 2013. More than 250 saints from the churches in Paraguay were witnesses of a wonderful meeting in which Christ was exhibited and this ministry vindicated. Five saints from Bolivia, Ecuador, USA, Honduras, and Paraguay graduated upon completing their training. May we pray for the Lord to lead each one that their future may be for the fulfillment of His economy.

Please visit our website at for more information on how to visit us for a short-term at any point during the semester.

  • The first semester of 2014 will begin this coming February 3rd. We have already received 17 applications at the office and there are 4 more on their way, including three couples. Our prayer is that the door for these saints, from 10 different countries, will be opened so that each one to make it to His training; especially the door concerning finances. There are applicants that are still waiting for His supply so that they can participate in the FTT-C. Please pray that none of these ones that have a desire to come will be hindered by the lack of finances.
  • Furthermore, we are expecting 27 trainees that are still in the training to return for the continuation of their full training. Your prayers regarding the unhindered return of these ones are needed.
  • Please also pray that the pre-training week will be full of the rich flow of His speaking through this ministry and that His graceful presence will be with us.
  • Finally, there are eleven FTT-C trainees that are participating in a trip to visit the churches in Brazil. Starting on December 31st there are six trainees visiting the churches in the Bahia area and five visiting other churches in the Sao Paulo area; all of them participated and served in the Summer School of Truth in Sao Roque last weekend.

For more information regarding FTT Paraguay, visit

  • We are full of thanksgiving to the Lord for the 11 new trainees from 7 countries that came to begin their training, for the 22 returning trainees that came to continue their training, and for the 9 short-term trainees that also joined us.
  • Please pray for more saints to come for a short-term this semester.
  • Pray that the Lord will provide teachers for each class this semester.